About Grace Sweatman

After a forty-year career in eldercare, Grace Sweatman has stories to tell!

From receptionist to CEO and nearly every role in between, Grace has a truly rare perspective on this growing service industry.

From the beginning, Grace recognized flaws in the services extended to our elders at their time of greatest need. Her compassion drove her to seek meaningful solutions throughout her career. She has been unrelenting in her efforts to see them implemented.

In her book, Joyful Journey: an Adventure in Eldercare, Grace shares some of the stories from her “Joyful Journey” and the lessons learned along the way. In the closing chapters, she draws a roadmap to achieving a much-needed culture change in the care of our elders.

Grace believes there is indeed a better way. She is trusting that this collection of memories will encourage others in their personal journey, whatever its destination.